VIDEO: Semi smashes raised, fully loaded end dump trailer right into a bridge

Every time you see one of these raised dump bed disaster stories, you can’t help but wonder “How did the driver not know?”

That goes doubly in this instance, captured in the video below, which occurred earlier this month along Highway 40 near Montreal. According to Le Journal de Montreal, drivers traveling alongside a semi truck saw its end dump trailer slowly raise to a 45 degree angle.

Other drivers attempted to alert the driver of the truck by honking, the Journal reports, but “He did not seem to realize what was going on,” Fracoise Lacombe told the paper.

With the trailer raised and loaded with grain, the impact with the new pedestrian bridge made for quite the explosion. Despite the impact and all the debris, no one was hurt in the incident. An investigation into the cause of the raised bed is underway, the Journal reports, and the trucking company could face stiff penalties if negligence is proven.

Accident – Autoroute 40

Voyez les images saisissantes de l’accident qui a provoqué la fermeture de l’autoroute 40. – Un poids lourd percute violemment une passerelle sur l’autoroute 40 à Repentigny:

Posted by Le Journal de Montréal on Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Via: Jalopnik