SmartEquip e-Commerce Store 2.0: An ‘Out-of-the-Box’ Ready Digital Parts Shop

Dealers and distributors in need of a branded digital parts shop can turn to SmartEquip’s new e-Commerce Store 2.0. The platform lets businesses manage their inventory, product support, sales and customers in one easy-to-use platform.

SmartEquip says the enhancements include a complete overhaul of the previous user experience and a new intuitive admin portal – all backed up by they company’s parts catalog network. Customers can also access relevant equipment details, including parts diagrams, during their shopping experience.

“We’re raising the bar with an e-commerce experience that combines speed, convenience and an intuitive user experience, while also providing a seamless integration with SmartEquip’s Network of OEMs and its powerful parts catalog library in a fully branded environment,” said SmartEquip CEO Fernando Pinera. “This new platform is packed with features to help dealers, fleets and distributors on the SmartEquip Network to drive increased store traffic and engage potential customers.”

Additional features include:

  • Admin Tool: Businesses manage their own content and branding, enabling them to launch a white-label site quickly with low-cost and low IT involvement.
  • Customer Accounts: Buyers can create an account and build a fleet profile with “My Equipment” to shop efficiently.
  • Smart-Cart Technology: Innovative shopping cart technology offers automated supersession management, quoting, pricing and availability.
  • Data Connector: Users already on the SmartEquip Network can extend their current connection to brands on the Network, bringing pricing and inventory data directly to their customers.

“We were able to listen to customers during the beta program and have introduced a slate of new features based on their feedback,” said Matt Ackley, chief digital officer at RB Global, SmartEquip’s parent company. “This is just another example of how we are expanding the scope of our platforms to meet the needs of our customers across the industry.”