Tower crane manufacturer Linden Comansa says it is in the process of dropping “Linden” from its name and returning to its original name, Comansa, for which its widely known on the market.
After many years using the Linden Comansa brand name, the change will be implemented gradually across the product range and at the company’s headquarters in Spain, and at its facilities in the U.S. and China.
“After acquiring the prestigious Linden 8000 system from the Swedish company Linden in 1983, we started to apply its technical concepts throughout our range of tower cranes, therefore allowing our customers to enjoy its many obvious advantages,” says Alberto Munárriz, CEO of Comansa.
“Combining the names Linden and Comansa in a single brand was initially important as we looked to open up markets, as it gave us recognition on markets where Linden had been a major player and the benefits of its products were widely appreciated.”
Munárriz stresses that Comansa has been on the market for more than 50 years, and has been developing and improving the system for 35 years.
The change to a one-word name is intended to bolster the company’s strategy of having a single, uniform image on the market. The timing is key, given that the company has set up in China and embarked on significant commercial expansion.
But dropping the Linden name from the brand does not mean that heritage is forgotten, the company says. “The Linden brand and system, and all they entail, are part of our DNA,” Munárriz says.
Comansa is the only manufacturer whose range of horizontal jib cranes consists solely of a flat-top, pendant-free design – one of Linden’s most outstanding features. And, if there is one thing that characterizes Comansa cranes, it is their outstanding modularity, just like Linden cranes, the company says.
That is why Linden is still very much a part of the philosophy of all the products, even though it no longer appears in the brand name, says Munárriz.
This change means that cranes manufactured in Pamplona, previously marketed under the Linden Comansa brand, and cranes manufactured in Hangzhou, China, distributed under the name Comansa CM, will all be know from now on as Comansa.
Each crane model will keep its current name, using the letters LC or CM to indicate the product range, thus avoiding any confusion on the market.
Model name 21LC750 therefore indicates that it is part of the range previously known as Linden Comansa, while model name 21CM550 indicates that it is part of the former Comansa CM range.
“Given the large number of customers and suppliers we work with,” says Munárriz. “We are fully aware that implementing the Comansa brand in all products and materials will take some time; however, our staff are ready and willing to help our partners and collaborators through the transition period and ensure it is as smooth as possible.”