Oregon Launches Diesel-Emissions Label Program for Construction Equipment

To help businesses promote their efforts in sustainable and more environmentally friendly practices, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has launched the Diesel Emissions Identification Program.

It is a voluntary emissions control labeling program for owners and operators of non-road and on-road construction equipment, including excavators, concrete mixer trucks, and dump trucks. Labels are provided to identify the engine exhaust emissions profile for each piece of equipment at a construction site.

“As Oregon’s population continues to grow, we are seeing more housing and commercial establishments being built to support and enhance communities. This construction then brings diesel equipment with it,” said DEQ Transportation Strategies Section Manager Rachel Sakata. “The Diesel Emissions Identification Program provides a fantastic opportunity for construction companies to easily demonstrate they have taken steps to reduce harmful emissions and are committed to improving air quality and public health.”

Participation in the program allows companies to demonstrate they are aligned with state and local agency requirements limiting emissions from equipment used on construction projects. 

In addition, labels show contractors’ and subcontractors’ commitment to cleaner practices, which can be useful when a fleet must meet green requirements for building LEED-appointed structures. 

In 2019, the state of Oregon approved a bill focused on reducing diesel emissions across the state. 

Among the requirements of the emissions package was the development and adoption of a diesel emissions labeling program.

Owners and operators of construction machinery or vehicles may consider applying for state diesel emissions mitigation grants to help comply with state and local emissions standards. 

There is no charge for DEIP participation or labels.