James W. “Jim” Mack, Director of Market Development-Commercial Strategy for CEMEX has been named the 56th Chairman of the American Concrete Pavement Association‘s (ACPA) Board of Directors.
Chuck Niederriter, 2018 ACPA Board of Directors Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of Golden Triangle Construction Co., passed the gavel to Mack during the ACPA annual meeting, saying that Mack is the first ACPA Chairman to have served with a cement company, a regional shipper’s group, an ACPA-affiliated Chapter, ACPA National, and the Portland Cement Association.
“The combination of his work experiences, business sense, and his technical prowess give him some unique perspectives on the industry,” Niederriter said, according to an ACPA press release. “But even more than that, Jim has a well-deserved reputation as being a staunch and tireless advocate for concrete pavements.”
Mack thanked Chuck for his service as 2018 Chairman and talked about his two major objectives as 2019 Chairman.
“The first is the implementation of the industry pavement promotion plan. The second item I want to focus on is the continuation of the ConcreteCOMPETES initiative started by Chairman Niederriter,” Mack said, speaking of the initiative on aligning resources at the national level to scale up pavement promotion and to support the local promotion network.