While auctions aren’t right for every construction contractor or piece of equipment, they are a popular means of buying or selling used heavy equipment and trucks.
Sellers benefit from a built-in audience of qualified buyers and reduced workload on the front and backend of the sale. Typically, auction companies will manage the liens, title searches, marketing, legal paperwork, offer fielding and shipping logistics related to the equipment disposal.
Meanwhile, buyers can score a good deal on machinery with more hours left to give as the asset is sold at the current market price for the region.
With the supply chain challenges over the past few years, there has been reduced availability of new compact and heavy equipment, making used equipment purchases a necessity for equipment managers looking to fill a gap in their fleet.
Top Bid, an equipment value data provider, compiles a rolling calendar of live and online construction equipment auctions globally. Below are the upcoming auctions for the remainder of 2023.
Upcoming Online and Live Heavy Equipment Auctions
Construction Equipment Auction Companies
The following companies can assist contractors with purchasing or selling used construction equipment:
Alex Lyon & Son 7697 State Rte. 31 Bridgeport, NY 13030; Phone: 315-633-2944; Fax: 315-633-5635; support@lyonauction.com; www.lyonauction.com
AllStar Auctions, Inc. 44 Line 9 S. Oro-Medonte, ON, CD L0L 1T0; Phone: 888-376-3155; Fax: 705-418-1075; info@allstarauctions.ca; www.allstarauctions.ca
Americ Machinery Corporation 690 Walnut Ave., Ste. 120 Vallejo, CA 94592; Phone: 253-236-8555; Fax: 253-236-8540; sales@americmachinery.com; www.americequipment.com
American Auctioneers, LLC 1033 W. Main St. Centre, AL 35960; Phone: 866-789-5169; Fax: 256-927-3581; hbaldwin@american-auctioneers.com; www.american-auctioneers.com
AuctionAZ.com 6520 N. 27th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85017; Phone: 888-777-9888; Fax: 602-595-6813; info@auctionaz.com; www.auctionaz.com
Bar None Auction 4751 Power Inn Rd., Ste. A Sacramento, CA 95826; Phone: 866-372-1700; Fax: 916-383-6865; info@barnoneauction.com; www.barnoneauction.com
Beazley Auctioneers 2441 County Rd. 376 Anna, TX 75409; Phone: 800-670-1227; info@beazleyauction.com; www.beazleyauction.com
Berryhill Auctioneers 5531 Legacy Trl. Douglasville, GA 30135; Phone: 972-874-1222; Fax: 972-874-1444; ray@berryhillauctioneers.com; www.berryhillauctioneers.com
BigIron Auctions 213 Beaver St. Saint Edward, NE 68660; Phone: 800-937-3558; Fax: 402-678-2511; customer.service@bigiron.com; www.bigiron.com
Black Warrior Equipment, LLC 7110 Black Warrior Rd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401; Phone: 205-216-4735; Fax: 205-752-7889; mark@blackwarriorequipment.com; www.blackwarriorequipment.com
Blackmon Auctions 425 Blackmon Rd. Lonoke, AR 72086; Phone: 501-664-4526; Fax: 501-676-0218; thomas@blackmonauctions.com; www.blackmonauctions.com
Bunch Brothers Auctioneers 6138 State Rte. 339 Wingo, KY 42088; Phone: 270-376-2922; Fax: 270-376-2997 ; dbunch@aol.com; www.bunchbrothers.com
Burton Auction Company P.O. Box 5908 Dothan, AL 36302; Phone: 334-692-3955; bacfarms@yahoo.com; www.burtonauction.com
Century Auctions 96057 2431 Dr. E. High River, AB, CD T1V 1M3; Phone: 800-786-0857; Fax: 403-652-3190; hrsales@centuryservices.com; www.centuryauctions.com
Commercial Industrial Auctioneers 13231 S.E. Division St. Portland, OR 97236; Phone: 503-760-0499 ; Fax: 503-762-3858; www.commercialindustrialauctions.com
Davis Auctions, Inc. 210 Cheshire Rd., Rte. 68 Prospect, CT 06712; Phone: 800-201-4368; www.davisauctionsinc.com
Deanco Auction Co. of Mississippi, Inc. 1042 Holland Ave. Philadelphia, MS 39350; Phone: 601-656-9768; Fax: 601-656-0192 ; sold@deancoauction.com; www.deancoauction.com
Del Peterson & Associates 419 W. Judy Dr. Fremont, NE 68025; Phone: 800-492-9090; Fax: 402-721-4583; auction@delpeterson.com; www.delpeterson.com
DeMott Auction Company, Inc. 1894 Sylvester Hwy. Moultrie, GA 31768; Phone: 800-985-5699; Fax: 229-985-0754; auction@demottauction.com; www.demottauction.com
Don Smock Auction Co., Inc. 6531 S. State Rd. 13 Pendleton, IN 46064; Phone: 877-729-0781; Fax: 765-778-9276; info@dsaauctions.com; www.dsaauctions.com
Dunn Deal Auction Co. 7026 State Rte. 674 S. Stoutsville, OH 43154; Phone: 614-946-6853; adam@dunndealauctions.com; www.dunndealauctions.net
Ehli Auctions 9415 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, WA 98444; Phone: 253-572-0990; Fax: 253-238-1981; randy@ehliauctions.com; www.ehliauctions.com
Equify Auctions, LLC 777 Main St., Ste. 3900 Fort Worth, TX 76102; Phone: 817-490-6800; Fax: 817-490-6898; info@equifyllc.com; www.equifyauctions.com
Euro Auctions 300 Raymond Hill Rd. Newman, GA 30265; Phone: 770-683-3883; Fax: 770-683-3885; info@euroauctions.com; www.euroauctions.com
Evans Auctioneers P.O. Box 4766 Columbus, GA 31914; Phone: 800-282-8460; Fax: 706-653-9096; info@evansauction.com; www.evansauction.com
First Capitol Auction, Inc. 50 Solano Ave. Vallejo, CA 94590; Phone: 707-552-0739; Fax: 707-552-8613; www.1stcapitolauction.com
First Coast Auction & Realty, Inc. 3329 Waller St. Jacksonville, FL 32254; Phone: 904-219-7090; first2bid@aol.com; www.firstcoastauction.com
Fowler Auction & Real Estate Service, Inc. 8719 Hwy. 53 Toney, AL 35773; Phone: 256-420-4454; Fax: 256-420-4707; info@fowlerauction.com; www.fowlerauction.com
Frey & Sons Auctioneers 210 Westfield Dr. Archbold, OH 43502; Phone: 419-445-3739; Fax: 419-445-8888 ; www.freyandsons.com
Furrow Auction Company 10319 Cogdill Rd. Knoxville, TN 37932; Phone: 800-438-7769; Fax: 865-525-4179; furrow@furrow.com; www.furrow.com
Garner & Associates Auctioneers, Inc. 3455 State Rd. 60 W. Bartow, FL 33830; Phone: 863-533-5100; Fax: 863-533-5111; garnerauctioneer@aol.com; www.garnerauctions.com
George Gideon Auctioneers, Inc. 2753 N. Hwy. 441 Zellwood, FL 32798; Phone: 407-886-2211; Fax: 407-886-2248; info@ggauctions.com; www.ggauctionsonline.com
GoIndustry DoveBid 11425 Cronhill Dr. Owing Mills, MD 21117; Phone: 800-665-1042; Fax: 650-356-6700; customerservice@go-dove.com; www.go-dove.com
Graham Auction Company 19510 US Hwy. 1 Tequesta, FL 33469; Phone: 561-427-0520; Fax: 561-427-0522; info@grahamauctionco.com; www.grahamauctionco.com
Harry Davis & Company 1725 Blvd. of the Allies Pittsburgh, PA 15219; Phone: 412-765-1170; Fax: 412-765-0910; info@harrydavis.com; www.harrydavis.com
Henderson Auctions 13340 Florida Blvd. Livingston, LA 70754; Phone: 800-850-2252; Fax: 225-686-0647; renitam@hendersonauctions.com; www.hendersonauctions.com
Hess Auctioneers, LLC 1451 River Rd. Marietta, PA 17547; Phone: 866-511-2493; Fax: 717-427-1665; info@hessauctioneers.com; www.hessauctioneers.com
Hilco Industrial, LLC 31555 W. Fourteen Mile Rd., Ste. 301 Farmington Hills, MI 48334; Phone: 248-254-9999; Fax: 248-254-9995; info@hilcoind.com; www.hilcoind.com
Hilpipre Auction Company 2862 Wagner Rd. Waterloo, IA 50703; Phone: 319-235-6007; Fax: 319-234-1751; info@hilpipre.com; www.hilpipre.com
Hostetter Auctioneers 903 Constitution Blvd. Beaver Falls, PA 15010; Phone: 724-847-1887; Fax: 724-847-3499; sold@hostetterauctioneers.com; www.hostetterauctioneers.com
Housby Auctions 4747 N.E. 14th St. Des Moines, IA 50313; Phone: 800-383-6225; www.housby.com
Hudson and Marshall, Inc. 10761 Estes Rd. Macon, GA 31210; Phone: 800-841-9400; Fax: 478-994-6588; info@hudsonmarshall.com; www.hudsonmarshall.com
Hunyady Auction Company 1440 Cowpath Rd. Hatfield, PA 19440; Phone: 800-233-6898; Fax: 215-361-9212; sales@hunyady.com; www.hunyady.com
I.R.A.Y. Auction 11935 Hwy. 95 N.E. Foley, MN 56329; Phone: 877-968-7230; Fax: 320-968-8075; iray@iraymn.com; www.iraymn.com
Iron Horse Auction Company, Inc. P.O. Box 1267 Rockingham, NC 28380; Phone: 800-997-2248; Fax: 910-895-1530; info@ironhorseauction.com; www.ironhorseauction.com
IronPlanet 3825 Hopyard Rd., Ste. 250 Pleasanton, CA 94588; Phone: 888-433-5426; Fax: 888-433-3467; customercare@ritchiebros.com; www.ironplanet.com
J & J Auctioneers 46 Boulware Rd. Roy, NM 87743; Phone: 575-485-2508; Fax: 575-485-2500; jjauctioneers@yahoo.com; www.jandjauction.com
J.J. Kane Auctioneers 1000 Lenola Rd. Building 1, Ste. 203 Maple Shade, NJ 08052; Phone: 855-462-5263; Fax: 856-764-4098; grant.williams@jjkane.com; www.jjkane.com
J.M. Wood Auction Company 3475 Ashley Rd. Montgomery, AL 36108; Phone: 800-447-7085; Fax: 334-269-6990; russ@jmwood.com; www.jmwood.com
James G. Murphy Co. Auctioneers 18226 68th Ave. N.E. Kenmore, WA 98028; Phone: 800-426-3008; Fax: 425-483-8247; webinfo@murphyauction.com; www.murphyauction.com
Jardine Auctioneers 1849 Rte. 640, Hanwell Rd. Fredericton, NB, CD E3C 2A7; Phone: 877-499-4400; Fax: 506-450-3288; www.jardineauctioneers.com
Jeff Martin Auctioneers, Inc. 2236 Hwy. 49 Brooklyn, MS 39425; Phone: 844-450-6200; Fax: 601-450-4980; info@jeffmartinauctioneers.com; www.jeffmartinauctioneers.com
Joe R. Pyle Complete Auction & Realty Service 5546 Benedum Dr. Shinnston, WV 26431; Phone: 855-563-9455; Fax: 304-592-6006; info@joerpyleauctions.com; www.joerpyleauctions.com
Joey Martin Auctioneers, LLC 1923 Cherokee Rd. Williamston, SC 29697; Phone: 864-940-4800; Fax: 706-223-6775; info@joeymartinauctioneers.com; www.joeymartinauctioneers.com
Keith Babb & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 4968 Monroe, LA 71211; Phone: 318-343-6211; Fax: 318-343-6232; kba1auc@aol.com; www.keithbabbauctions.com
King Auction & Realty Co., Inc. P.O. Box 800 Fletcher, NC 28732; Phone: 800-359-5608; Fax: 828-684-5217; www.bidkingauctions.com
Kingstree Auction Co. 679 N. Williamsburg Co. Hwy. Kingstree, SC 29556; Phone: 843-382-2121; Fax: 843-382-4322; altonebrown@hotmail.com; www.kingstreeauctioncompany.com
Kruse Energy Auctioneers 11611 Co. Rd. 128 W. Odessa, TX 79765; Phone: 432-563-2005; Fax: 432-563-7929; support@kruseenergy.com; www.kruseenergy.com
L & L Equipment Sales 122 Charter Place La Vergne, TN 37086; Phone: 615-793-8830; Fax: 615-793-8841; landlequipment@bellsouth.net; www.landleq.com
Lippard Auctioneers 2609 N. Van Buren St. Enid, OK 73703; Phone: 866-874-7100; Fax: 580-297-5208; info@lippardauctions.com; www.lippardauctions.com
Lloyd Meekins & Sons Auction Co. 4070 NC Hwy. 211 E. Lumberton, NC 28358; Phone: 910-739-0547; Fax: 910-738-1389; info@meekinsauction.com; www.meekinsauction.com
Lynn Cain, LLC 7921 Hwy. 64 E. Augusta, AR 72006; Phone: 888-606-4126; Fax: 870-347-8158; joey@lynncain.com; www.lynncain.com
Magnum Auction, LLC 15150 Orange Ave. Fort Pierce, FL 34945; Phone: 772-332-6352
Martin Auction Services, LLC 9515 Texas Church Rd. Clinton, IL 61727; Phone: 217-935-3245; Fax: 217-935-3888; rob@martinauction.com; www.martinauction.com
Maynards Industries, Ltd. 21700 Northwestern Hwy., Ste. 1180 Southfield, MI 48075; Phone: 248-569-9781; Fax: 248-569-9793; clientsupport@maynards.com; www.maynards.com
McGrew Equipment Company 2191 Seven Valleys Rd. Seven Valleys, PA 17360; Phone: 717-428-0922; Fax: 717-428-0831; www.mcgrewequipment.com
Mendenhall Auction Company 6729 Auction Rd. High Point, NC 27264; Phone: 888-833-0316; Fax: 336-887-1107; menauction@aol.com; www.myauctionsnc.com
Michener Allen Auctioneering, Ltd. P. O. Box 73040 Hampton RPO Edmonton, AB, CD T5T 3X1; Phone: 800-665-5888; Fax: 780-470-3200; bhorne@michenerallen.com; www.maauctions.com
Mid-South Machinery Auctions, Inc. 405 Greer Rd. West Monroe, LA 71292; Phone: 318-397-8000; Fax: 318-249-2888; info@midsouthauctions.com; www.midsouthauctions.com
Midway Machinery & Auction, LLC 32410 Blue Star Hwy. Midway, FL 32343; Phone: 850-576-5500; Fax: 850-576-5505; greg@midwaymachineryllc.com; www.midwaymachineryandauction.com
Miedema Auctioneering, Inc. 601 Gordon Industrial Ct. S.W. Byron Center, MI 49315; Phone: 800-527-8243; Fax: 616-538-5230; info@1800lastbid.com; www.miedemaauctioneering.com
Motleys Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Rd. Richmond, VA 23234; Phone: 804-232-3300; Fax: 804-232-3301; info@motleys.com; www.motleys.com
Musser Brothers, Inc. 1131 13th St. Cody, WY 82414; Phone: 307-587-2131; info@mbauction.com; www.mbauction.com
Myron Bowling Auctioneers, Inc. 3901 Kraus Lane Hamilton, OH 45014; Phone: 513-738-3311; Fax: 513-738-0221; answer-pro@myronbowling.com; www.myronbowling.com
Network International 3555 Timmons Lane, Ste. 1200 Houston, TX 77027; Phone: 800-424-9111; Fax: 713-588-8497; support@networkintl.com; www.networkintl.com
Nitke Auctions 990 Happy Hollow Rd. Mosinee, WI 54455; Phone: 715-693-4447; info@nitkeauctions.com; www.nitkeauctions.com
Olin’s Auctions 1502 State Rte. 79 Windsor, NY 13865; Phone: 607-655-3666; jeffolin@msn.com; www.olinsauctions.net
Pifer’s Auction & Realty 1506 29th Ave. S. Moorhead, MN 56560; Phone: 877-700-4099; Fax: 218-477-1969; info@pifers.com; www.pifers.com
Pro Team Auction Co. 1715 Garden Village Dr. White Pine, TN 37890; Phone: 877-768-3261; Fax: 865-674-0727; proteam@proteambid.com; www.proteamauction.com
Proxibid, Inc. 4411 S. 96th St. Omaha, NE 68127; Phone: 877-505-7770; Fax: 402-933-5284; info@proxibid.com; www.proxibid.com
Purple Wave, Inc. 825 Levee Dr. Manhattan, KS 66502; Phone: 866-608-9283; auction@purplewave.com; www.purplewave.com
Quarrick Equipment & Auctions, Inc. 168 Quarrick Rd. Uniontown, PA 15401; Phone: 724-439-1621; Fax: 724-439-9263; info@quarrickauction.com; www.quarrickauction.com
Rebel Auction Company, Inc. 1175 Bell Telephone Rd. Hazlehurst, GA 31539; Phone: 800-533-0673; auction@rebelauction.net; www.rebelauction.net
Resource Auction 2702 17th Ave. S. Grand Forks, ND 58201; Phone: 701-757-4015; Fax: 701-757-4016; info@resourceauction.com; www.resourceauction.com
Ritchason Auctioneers, Inc. 7538 Linwood Rd. Lebanon, TN 37090; Phone: 800-806-3395; Fax: 615-444-1057; www.ritchason.com
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Int’l 4000 Pine Lake Rd. Lincoln, NE 68516; Phone: 800-211-3983; Fax: 402-421-1738; csg@rbauction.com; www.rbauction.com
Rogers Realty & Auction Co., Inc. 1310 EMS Dr. Mount Airy, NC 27030; Phone: 336-789-2926; auctions@rogersrealty.com; www.rogersauctiongroup.com
Roller & Associates, Inc. 7500 York St. Denver, CO 80229; Phone: 303-289-1600; Fax: 303-853-4384; office@rollerauction.com; www.rollerauction.com
Roy Teitsworth, Inc. 6502 Barber Hill Rd. Geneseo, NY 14454; Phone: 585-243-1563; Fax: 585-243-3311; www.teitsworth.com
Sales Auction Company, LLC 55 King Spring Rd. Windsor Locks, CT 06096; Phone: 860-627-7506; Fax: 860-903-1015; samsales@salesauctioncompany.com; www.salesauctioncompany.com
Sitar Auctions P. O. Box 779 Waverly, PA 18471; Phone: 570-586-1397; Fax: 570-586-6058; www.sitarauctions.com
Southeast Auction Company 14433 Hwy. 69 S. Tuscaloosa, AL 35405; Phone: 205-758-3068; Fax: 205-758-1071; kristy@seauction.com; www.seauction.com
Stephen Passy & Associates, Inc. 175 Carousel Mall San Bernardino, CA 92408; Phone: 424-204-9760; s.passy@sbcglobal.net; www.passyauctions.com
TAC Auction Services 3481 S. Hwy. 29 Moreland, GA 30259; Phone: 678-329-4279; Fax: 770-755-7299; contact@tacauctionservices.com; www.tac-team.com
Tauber-Arons, Inc. 13848 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423; Phone: 888-648-2249; Fax: 818-933-0782; main@tauberaronsinc.com; www.tauberaronsinc.com
Taylor & Martin Auctioneers, Inc. 1865 N. Airport Rd. Fremont, NE 68025; Phone: 800-654-8280; info@taylorandmartin.com; www.taylorandmartin.com
Terra Point, LLC 1213 RR 620 S., Ste. 105 Lakeway, TX 78734; Phone: 877-772-5998; info@terrapoint.com; www.terrapoint.com
The Auction Company 4461 Wade Ave. Perris, CA 92571; Phone: 951-657-5300; Fax: 951-657-5244; customerservice@theauctioncompany.net; www.theauctioncompany.net
TNT Auction 2353 N. Redwood Rd. Salt Lake City, UT 84116; Phone: 801-519-0123; Fax: 801-519-0124; tnt@tntauction.com; www.tntauction.com
Tri-State Auction & Realty, LLC 1234 Hwy. 68 Sweetwater, TN 37874; Phone: 800-334-4395; Fax: 865-376-9103; auctions@tristate-auction.com; www.tristate-auction.com
United Auctioneers & Appraisers, LLC 685 N. Shaytown Rd. Vermontville, MI 49096; Phone: 517-282-1346; Fax: 517-726-0556; uaa@copper.net; www.uaa-auctions.com
Wayne Pike Auction Co. II, LLC 2001 15th St. N. Princeton, MN 55371; Phone: 763-389-5700; Fax: 763-389-2408; info@waynepikeauction.com; www.waynepikeauction.com
Weeks Auction Company, Inc. 4851 W. State Rd. 40 Ocala, FL 34482; Phone: 352-351-4951; Fax: 352-351-8455; info@weeksauction.com; www.weeksauction.com
Western Construction Auctions, Inc. 2021 Goetz Rd. Perris, CA 92570; Phone: 866-731-7760; Fax: 951-490-4390; info@wca-online.com; www.wca-online.com
Western Sales Management, Inc. 1616 S. 67th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85043; Phone: 623-936-3300; Fax: 623-936-8527; www.wsmauctioneers.com
Wolfe Industrial Auctions, Inc. 9801 Hansonville Rd. Frederick, MD 21702; Phone: 800-443-9580; Fax: 301-898-0342; info@wolfeauctions.com; www.wolfeauctions.com
WorldNet Auctions 1533 McMillan Rd. Greeleyville, SC 29056; Phone: 843-426-4255; Fax: 843-426-4256; info@worldnetauctionslive.com; www.worldnetauctionslive.com
Yellow Iron Auctions, Inc. 2516 S. Sheridan Blvd. Springfield, MO 65804; Phone: 417-861-6887; Fax: 417-881-4826; yellow9iron@att.net; www.yellowironauctions.com
Yoder & Frey Auctioneers, Inc. 1670 Commerce Rd. Holland, OH 43528; Phone: 800-842-6221; Fax: 419-865-4595; info@yoderandfrey.com; www.yoderandfrey.com
Used Construction Equipment Inspection Checklist
Before purchasing used equipment from an auction, conduct a visual inspection of all critical machine components. Record your observations (excellent, good, fair, poor) and the potential cost to repair or replace the component.
Inspect (as applicable):
- Engine, transmission and radiator
- Tires, brakes and axles
- Hydraulic cylinders and hoses
- Frame
- Boom
- Stick
- Arm
- Push beam
- Moldboard
- Undercarriage
- Rubber tracks
- Pins and bushings
- Linkages
- Bucket, blade, attachments and work tools
- Latches/locks, steps and grab irons
- Final drives
- Filters and fluid levels
- Stabilizers
- Skid steer chain case
- Skid steer driveline
- Wheel loader articulation joint
- Excavator swing bearing
- Dozer PAT blade
Cracks, plating, new welds, rust, leaks and cosmetic damage can all be signs of neglected maintenance or misuse – and a machine you may want to avoid. Ask for information about the seller, as well as a diagnostic report, an oil sample history and maintenance records, for additional insights about the machine’s service history and usage.
If possible, also conduct an operational inspection. Check cycle times, forward and reverse running speeds and for any movement in the bushings. Listen for any unusual noises, look for smoke, and note whether the gauges, switches, lights, displays and safety features work properly.
After the machine has been running for a while, check the engine dipsticks and take another walk around, opening service doors and looking underneath for any new leaks.
For additional coverage on new and used equipment sales, check out the Market Pulse section on equipmentworld.com. Equipment World and Top Bid are owned by Randall Reilly.